Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Citizens for a Healthy Bay brings "hands-on" education to "Clean, Green Boating Fair"

Citizens for a Healthy Bay (CHB) works with citizens, businesses, and federal, state and local government agencies to cleanup, restore and protect the shorelines and waterways in Tacoma and South Puget Sound. CHB also operates a Clean Boating outreach and education program -- sponsored by the Port of Tacoma -- to inform recreational and commercial boaters of their role in preventing pollution and maintaining sustainable boating practices.

CHB's Bay Patrol Director, Jeff Barney, travels by boat throughout area waterways to identify and quickly resolve water pollution issues by working with Washington State Department of Ecology, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the City of Tacoma.

At the "Clean, Green Boating Fair," CHB's Bay Patrol boat will be onsite, along with information about CHB's Citizen Stewards program that trains volunteers to prevent, detect and report water and shoreline pollution.

A highlight of CHB's offerings will be the "EnviroScape" hands-on interactive display, a watershed model that demonstrates how changes we make can reduce the amount of pollutants washing off roads, farms and landscapes into our rivers and Puget Sound.

CHB offers clean water and shoreline restoration educational presentations to students, business leaders and other groups, and also monitors and investigates issues reported via the City of Tacoma's Water Pollution Hotline (253) 255-3895, where callers report pollution on the area's waterways or land.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tours, talks and exhibits announced for "Clean, Green Boating Fair"

The Tacoma Liveaboards and Citizens for a Healthy Bay invite you and your family to the 1st Annual “Clean, Green Boating Fair” – a day of free boat tours, talks and environmental exhibits – on Saturday, May 2nd (Opening Day of Boating Season) from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Delin Docks Marina, across Foss Waterway from downtown Tacoma’s Museum of Glass.

The Fair will celebrate 20+ years of successful Superfund Cleanup activities and will show ways to protect our waterways while enjoying an exciting season of being on the water. With over 15 exhibits, 4 presentations, narrated tours of the restored Foss Waterway onboard Admiralty Yachts' Duffy electric boats and the City of Tacoma's "Baywatcher" vessel, a beautiful array of power, sail, and human-powered boats to enjoy as you walk the docks, and marine life visible as the tides rise and fall, the Fair promises fun for all ages.

Volunteers' invitation
Volunteers are invited to come get a preview of the May 2nd "Clean, Green Boating Fair" and sign up for specific roles and shifts:

“Clean, Green Boating Fair” Volunteer Sign-up Meeting
Thursday - April 23, 2009
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Delin Docks Marina Community Room

“Clean, Green Boating Fair” Schedule of events
Saturday – May 2, 2009
Exhibits and Information Tables
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Delin Docks Marina - Outdoor Tents in Marina Parking Area

Boat Tours + Boats on Display
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Delin Docks Marina – Between D & E Docks

Opening Ceremony
10:30 – 11:00 AM Delin Docks Marina – Outdoor Tent in Marina Parking Area
(Schedule to be announced soon)

Presentations in Delin Docks Marina Community Room

11:15 – 11:45 AM Mark Schrader’s “Around the Americas” Presentation
11:45 – Noon questions
Noon – 12:15 PM transition
12:15 – 12:45 PM Jim Muri’s “Solar / Wind / Alternative Options” Presentation
12:45 – 1:00 PM questions
1:00 – 1:15 PM transition
1:15 – 1:45 PM Natalie Sears’ “Detailing: Keeping it Green” Presentation
1:45 – 2:00 PM questions
2:00 – 2:15 PM transition
2:15 – 2:45 PM Norm Cole’s “Fire Safety at Sea” Presentation
2:45 – 3:00 PM questions
3:00 PM Close of events

Friday, April 10, 2009

“Fire Safety at Sea” training at “Clean, Green Boating Fair”

You’re on a cruise in the San Juans … you’ve had a great day … and now you’re frying up some fish for dinner, when suddenly “Whoosh!” The cook stove shoots up bright, hot flames that instantly blacken the boat’s headliner and singe your hair.

Quick – what’s the first thing you do? Which type of fire extinguisher is safe to use? When should you call for help?

For most recreational boaters, a rush of adrenalin and fear is usually the first response in a situation like this. You can, however, stay calm and in control of the situation if you know which fire fighting product to use, how to use it and where it’s kept.

At the “Clean, Green Boating Fair,” Norm Cole of Fireguard Extinguisher Service will present “Fire Safety at Sea,” a review of the basic portable fire extinguisher types to have on your boat, the chemical components and uses for each type, and the manufacturers to stay away from.

With over 30 years of experience in portable fire extinguisher training, Cole will show how fire extinguishers are labeled to show the class of fire each can extinguish:

Class A – Wood, paper, cloth, trash
Class B – Flammable liquids, oil, gas, grease, diesel
Class C – Electrical, energized electrical equipment
Class D – Combustible metals
Class K – Kitchen deep grease (deep fryer)

Cole will also teach the P.A.S.S. method:

Pull the pin
Aim at the base of the fire
Squeeze the handle
Sweep side-to-side

A fire-fighting demonstration will follow Cole’s instruction and Q&A session. The first hand experience boaters gain from this practice session could make the difference between safe, effective response to a fire with minimal damage vs. trauma and tragedy.

Fireguard Extinguisher Service will also offer onsite re-certification and re-charging of reusable fire extinguisher canisters at the Fair. Bring your fire extinguishers and get up-to-date servicing right in the parking lot of Delin Docks Marina!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Marine “green power” options presented at “Clean, Green Boating Fair”

Jim Muri, Corinthian Yacht Club of Tacoma member and systems engineer, will present the realities of “green” power generation, including solar, wind and towed generation options at the 1st Annual “Clean, Green Boating Fair.”

A sailboat owner, Muri first discovered the practical uses of solar generators as a partial solution to offshore battery maintenance while planning a sailing passage to Hawaii. Here in the Pacific Northwest climate, Muri uses solar energy to keep his own vessel’s batteries powered for about eight months each year.

“Green power” options
Topics covered in Muri’s free talk will include calculating your vessel’s energy budget and general planning guidelines for the following battery maintenance options:

  • Solar power generation
  • Towed generator power generation
  • Wind generator power generation

Muri will show a simple spreadsheet created for energy budget planning. Motivated to discover ways to avoid carrying and using extra fuel to maintain battery power, Muri used his pragmatic and space-saving approach in planning off shore passages. His research led him to install solar and towed generator systems to supplement battery power without the use of his vessel’s engine.

During his talk, Muri will display a large solar panel, a small solar panel, and a charge controller from West Marine, along with his own towed generator. He will also cover similarities between solar, wind and towed generators.

In addition to researching the merits of “alternative” energy, Muri – a former U.S. Army Officer and author of literary and adventure-romance novels – has used his skills to develop web-based outlets for his prolific publications. Following his talk, he will stick around to discuss energy planning for intrepid sailors bound for ports afar or for just hanging out on the hook in some backwater hideout here in the Sound.